ASP.Net Practical SW Dev Course (Skype)

Published by yohan 2019-08-17 08:08:30 Colombo, Avissawella

Rs 1,000

-- Individual or Group classes --

Target Group : Graduate, Undergraduate, Intern, Trainee Developers, Developers who are developing other programming
languages, anyone who is interesting this field.

Tool :
C# / ASP/ MVC- Visual Studio 2010 /2012/ 2013/ 2015/ 2017
SQL(DB) - MSSQL Server 2005/ 2008 /2012/ 2014/ 2016

** Cover all theory part in fast tract, Developing indrustrial related project with you.
Further:- these are useful for your Assigments/ final degree project (SLIIT, APIIT, NSBM/NIBM, infortec, BIT, BCS, ESOFT, BSE,...) or your career path.

--you can select any suitable course from below three of them--

- C#.Net (Windows forms design & Dev, ADO.Net, crystal report..)

- ASP.Net (ASP web Form based design & dev.,UserControl, Crystal Report..)

- ASP.Net with MVC - (Entity Framwork 6, Identity,Dependency Injection,
Repository pattern, MVC5, Linq, JSon, Ajax, Jquery, Bootstrap, Razor)

- AngularJs
- VueJs

via Skype
Rs. 1000/- (per hour)

Software Engineer


Tuition Type : Class
For sell
Colombo, Avissawella
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Ad ID : 2399
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